
This is the chronicle of The Lass, from discovery through restoration. The posts appear from newest on top down to oldest. At this point it's all history but we will eventually get caught up to current day with our postings. But this does provide an idea of what has been accomplished thus far.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

heading for storage...

Boat Logistics then took the boat from the marina and headed a few miles back up the road to the storage building. There were people on the deck of the boat armed with push brooms to push the overhead wires, traffic lights and branches out of the way. I rode along in the car in front so that he knew the way to the building while we drove into oncoming traffic to move cars to allow room for the boat to come up the road, then came the semi with the boat in tow and Mike followed in his suburban to keep traffic from trying to pass by where there wasn’t room. Boat moving is not for the faint of heart. But by the end of the day on September 25, 2009, “The Lass” was tucked away for a winter’s worth of TLC.

Projects begin – Mike rented an industrial sander and sanded the main decks. They were much darker than the rest of the teak and we weren’t sure what the condition of the wood would be underneath the layers of varnish. These pictures show the first patch we cleaned away on the back deck and then more (you can really see the contrast where the lazerette cover is not sanded and the deck is.)

We hung plastic from the ceiling to the floor to keep our dust to ourselves and off any neighboring boats, motor homes and cars stored nearby.

Cleaning out all the interior compartments is Melissa’s task. This was under the bed in the aft cabin. The photos are an example of the before and after. Re-painting will come later.

Sanding the cap rails and hand rails is another project. Each stanchion is being removed with the stainless being polished and cleaned.

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